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Dancing Through Adversity


Hello, I'm Kian (pronounced KEY-ON), the heartbeat behind Kian Movement. My journey is etched in resilience, and my dance defies the odds. Let me share my personal symphony with you.

My Story

The Unseen Struggle

In the quiet corridors of my childhood, my feet whispered secrets of pain. Nobody understood why, but I kept going. The ache was my silent companion, urging me to dance through life. Little did I know that these early steps would lead to a symphony of survival.

 A Dance with Destiny

The 80s brought three right knee surgeries, each leaving its mark like a unique note in a melody. Doctors scratched their heads, labeling my knee as "interesting." Meanwhile, my left knee waited patiently, its own story untold. Sitting proved to be painful so I succumbed to standing at my desk, swayed in the break room, and sat on chair edges—figured my circulation problems were due to my short legs—and I moved on, avoiding doctors for 20 years.

 The Chilling Revelation

January 2003—the turning point. My feet, once my allies, rebelled. Shoes became enemies, and booties my companions. A podiatrist's X-ray revealed more than bone spurs. Genetic AVN (avascular necrosis) and osteoarthritis had woven their threads into my bones. At age 38 the MRI alleged, "Young, active woman, yet her bones appeared that of an 80-year-old."


The Dance of Healing

Surgery became my choreography. Feet, knees, hips—the stage for my defiance. Six foot surgeries, eight knee surgeries, a specialized left hip procedure and the right hip replaced. My right hand, too, danced with scalpels. But I waltzed through it all, learning and experiencing 25 dance styles along the way.

Morning Rituals

Each dawn, I rise—a conductor orchestrating my body's revival. PT exercises, kundalini yoga—the notes of resilience. Against all odds, I walk on two feet, a testament to movement's magic. Diagnosed with grade 4 genetic AVN and told I’d be wheelchair bound. Yet I chose MOVEMENT. Soon, I'll meet you on the dance floor, where every step defies limitations.

Our Invitation

Kian Movement

isn't just a website ~~

it's a heartbeat.

We invite you to join our rhythm, celebrate life, and move with purpose. Let's sway, twirl, and pirouette—because every twitch, every beat, is a victory.


Remember, our stories are etched in every step, every leap. Kian Movement honors the dance within us all.

***Our Classes & Services 

Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.



KEY-ON is a call to FOCUS ON Movement:

- FOCUS: Concentrate your energy, attention, and passion. Zero in on what truly matters—the positive changes you want to create. Whether it's physical fitness, mental well-being, or community empowerment, focus sharpens your impact.

- ON: Stay in motion. Keep moving forward, even when faced with challenges. Embrace the journey, knowing that every step contributes to the greater movement. Be the driving force that inspires others to join you.

The Meaning Behind the Name:

KEY-ON is not just a name; it's a powerful philosophy that encapsulates both your mission and your identity. Let's break it down:

1. KEY: A key unlocks doors, granting access to new possibilities. It symbolizes empowerment, knowledge, and the ability to open pathways. In the context of Kian Movement, "KEY" represents your role as a catalyst for positive change. You are the key that unlocks potential, encouraging others to explore their capabilities and make a difference.

2. ON: This simple word signifies action, activation, and commitment. When something is "on," it's in motion, alive, and energized. In the context of Kian Movement, "ON" embodies your dedication to movement—both physical and metaphorical. It's about being actively engaged, pushing boundaries, and propelling forward. It's the switch that turns intentions into impactful actions.

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KEY-ON (like unlocking a door and stepping into action). 🗝️🚀

Kian or KEY-ON embodies purpose, empowerment, and momentum. May it continue to resonate with those who encounter the Kian Movement and choose to be part of something greater. 🌟

Learn more about the Founder, Kian Dwyer and her impactful work through her book "Living Your Chosen Eulogy," where she redefines kindness and inspires positive change in the world.


Living Your Chosen Eulogy: Live Today How You Want To Be Remembered. Copyright, 2005



More About The Founder


Kian Dwyer holds a Bachelor of Arts degree Majors in Speech (pathology) and Communications (journalism) with a Minor in Psychology from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. 1984-1987


Study Abroad Programs in England, Scotland, and Greece 1986 for 7-months. Studied music, dance, history, politics, communications, and culture.


Dwyer is the Founder of World Help Organization, MN (2003 - Present) which reintroduces kindness and promotes active giving and living your way. She’s a spiritual mentor, speaker, author, cultural dance performer, and 37-year consultant.


Movement Specialist and Performer with expertise in physical movement and dance techniques to different styles of music with varying tempo, beat, count and rhythm. 2005 - Present


Board of Directors, Tapestry Dance Center 2006-2009 and Chair of activities/events for 4-years.


Certified Master Practitioner by The AIP Association for Integrative Psychology. Having demonstrated knowledge and proficiiency in NLP Neurolinguistic Programming with training in MER Mental and Emotional Release and Hypnotherapy. 2022 - Present.

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