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Welcome to
Kian Movement


Unlocking Vitality Through Movement


Kian Movement delivers classes, workshops, and recurring visits to organizations and communities. Our focus is on creating a healthy lifestyle customized to your individual or group preferences and requirements. We guide you toward your desired goals through movement exercises and dance styles that can be performed whether you're sitting in a chair, using a wheelchair, or on your feet. We help you to KEY ON moving in a natural way that aligns with your physical needs. Facilitating how to hear, feel and connect your movement to the music...which brings vitality to your body, mind and spirit...ultimately promoting longevity by activating those cells.🌟🕺🎶

Connect with us to see how we might help your organization.

At Kian Movement, we believe that movement and music are not just activities; they are essential components of a vibrant and fulfilling life. Whether you're dancing, stretching, or simply tapping your foot to a beat, you're engaging in a symphony of wellness that resonates throughout your body, mind and spirit.

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Kian Movement at home, at the studio or outdoors.

Find out more about our Classes, Services and Venues.



The Rhythm of Music

1. Cellular Harmony: Just as music harmonizes melodies, it synchronizes our cells. The vibrations of music resonate with our body's rhythms, promoting balance and vitality. So, turn up the volume and let your cells dance!


2. Cancer Prevention: Studies suggest that music therapy can enhance immune function, potentially reducing the risk of cancer. Let's groove our way to resilience!


3. Healing Notes: Music has been used for centuries to soothe pain, reduce anxiety, and aid recovery. It's like a gentle lullaby for your body, promoting healing from within.

 Why Movement Matters: Movement is Life

1. Stimulates the Brain: When you move, you activate neural pathways, firing up your brain cells. It's like a dance party for your mind! Research shows that physical activity enhances cognitive function, memory, and creativity. So, let's groove to better brain health!

2. Alertness Amplified: Ever notice how a brisk walk, movement of your arms/legs, or perhaps a quick dance break boosts your alertness? Movement increases blood flow, oxygenating your brain and sharpening your focus. Say goodbye to brain fog!

3. Endorphin Euphoria: Move your body, release those endorphins! These natural mood enhancers flood your system, leaving you feeling blissful and content. It's like a mini concert of happiness inside you.

4. Healthier, Longer Lives: Regular movement reduces the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It's like hitting the repeat button on a healthy life playlist.

Kian's Journey: Defying Odds


Kian Movement is more than a concept; it's a testament to resilience. Our founder, Kian Dwyer, faced a daunting diagnosis but chose movement over surrender. Despite nearly 20 surgeries, Kian kept dancing, defying the odds. Today, Kian stands tall, a living testament to the power of movement and music.


Join us on this rhythmic journey. Let's move, groove, and celebrate life together!


Remember, every step you take, every note you hear, contributes to your well-being. Kian Movement invites you to embrace the rhythm of life.


Read more about Kian Movement and the meaning behind the name.


How to pronounce the founder's name, Kian (KEY-ON) along with the double meaning

(FOCUS-ON). Click below for a key on the significance behind Kian Movement.

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